What does it take to be great? We have all heard the old saying that performance in sport is 80% mental and 20% physical. If that is true, then why do most coaches and athletes spend all their time working on the physical aspects of football?
Don't make the mistake most athletes make and "hope" your dreams will come true. Embrace the process of turning those future dreams into reality and set up a GamePlan Session at The OH Line Academy.
START: You Are Here
No matter where you’re going, your journey has to start somewhere. Our GamePlan sessions help create the path connecting where you are to where you want to go in three simple steps.
Step 1: Create the Roadmap
During the initial GamePlan session we sit down with you and your parents to create a clear vision of who you wish to be in the future. We detail who “Future You” is as a student, athlete, and person, so we can begin mapping out a path forward to becoming that "Future You". We then set goals and objectives to serve as “mile markers” to reach along the way.
Step 2: Do the Work
Only you can bridge the gap between the person you are today and the one you wish to become. You don't have to do it all by yourself - your parents and coaches are there to help you. But, at the end of the day, you have to put in the hard work to keep moving forward
Step 3: Assess, Analyze, Apply
Periodic GamePlan sessions throughout the off-season allow you to
Assess the success of current goals
Analyze where you are at, what has gone well, and where improvements need to be made
Apply new goals to continue moving forward
This is a process that all great athletes go through over and over to ensure long term success, and it will help you become the person you know you can be.
FINISH: Where You Are Going
The main difference between where a great athlete starts and ends his journey and where everyone else starts and ends their journey are the steps taken in-between. Learning to embrace the process of getting better each day will transform your journey and help turn "Future You" into reality.
Each GamePlan Session is custom-tailored to meet individual needs
Set both short- and long-term goals, catering to the athlete's career and life endeavors
Carry out an in-depth evaluation of the athlete's current strengths
Identify areas that need improvement
Offer guidance on the recruitment process
Provide a basic nutrition evaluation to aide physical development
Conduct an assessment of the athlete's film to tap into tactical expertise
Available during the off-season transition months of December, March, and June, GamePlan Sessions serve as a guiding light at every step of an athlete's journey.
From the initial 2024 launch as an optional add-on to our high school programs (B.E.A.S.S.T., O-Line Skills, and D-Line Skills), our vision is to fully incorporate these sessions into the core of our programs by 2025.
Take the first step by scheduling a GamePlan Session today!
Initial GamePlan
45 min
65 US dollars45 min
65 US dollars45 min
65 US dollars
Follow-Up GamePlan
45 min
65 US dollars45 min
65 US dollars45 min
65 US dollars
We offer a free consultation call to discuss any questions before scheduling your GamePlan session.